Postcard circa 1960: Kummerlowe Archive
There was nothing more modern--Howard Johnson's guest rooms were the best you could get!
Photos December 7, 2007: Kummerlowe Archive
Above & Right: Note the addition of a wallpaper boarder between 2006 and 2007--It did little to dress up the aging rooms.
Photo 2006: Courtesy of Bob Venditti
Photos December 7, 2007: Kummerlowe Archive
Photo 2006: Courtesy of Bob Venditti
Above & Right: Well-worn, the bathrooms and second vanities received new counters. The change was merely cosmetic, and did not help the tired and cheap appearance of the fixtures. Note that the pitched ceiling and beams extend into the bathroom.
Photos December 7, 2007: Kummerlowe Archive

The non-standard guest building featured back-to-back rooms and open vanities in un-HoJo like fashion. Nonetheless the rooms were at one time outfitted with standard fixtures and furnishings. Moreover the ceilings were beamed and finished off with HoJo's classic tectum ceiling/roofing material.
