Photos 2005: Scott Sargent

Above: Scott discovered a couple of HoJo's Landmark Supply Co. circa middle 1980s "rattan" chairs in the former Motor Lodge's public area. The Lounge Chairs (HJ3452E), upholstered in a textured 100% cotton, acrylic backed fabric, were listed in the 1984 Landmark Supply catalog at $108.95 each!

Below: Even the mesh on the interior railings was "solidified."



Columbia's guest rooms retained their general shape. Scott Sargent's second floor single room had been updated, but it had not been well-maintained.


Above: Original HoJo's blue bled through around the door's peephole!

Left: Only the old toilet and wall tile appeared original.

Below: The second vanity was replaced with a counter and the privacy screen had been removed.


Above: Note the stains on the wall where the air conditioner unit had once been -- also the cathedral ceiling was beamless. A mistake often made when removing sliders was placement of AC units under the window -- doesn't work well for privacy as the curtain is blown open.

Below: While the balconies remained, they cannot be accessed and became useless appendages after the sliders were replaced.


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