Postcard circa 1960s

Photograph May, 2002
Closed by 2002, Carrier Circle was still largely intact--its rooftop sign frame which once held "Howard Johnson's" even remained in place.
Photograph May, 2002: Courtesy of Dan Donahue
Photographs 2005: Courtesy of Jack Thomas

Even though the location had been reportedly sold in 2002, it remained abandoned by Jack's 2005 visit.

Stripped of its balcony railings by 2005, the guest buildings looked to in preparation for demolition.

Photographs May, 2002
Sadly indicators are that Carrier Circle will not be remodeled or reused as a motel and restaurant, rather it is more likely to be demolished, for its rate of deterioration quickens with the passage of time.
A reminder of better days for Carrier Circle, most of its sliders still had Sunburst Scotchcals (HJ5043) affixed so that guests would not try to walk through the glass.