Photograph 2003: Courtesy of Phil Edwards
Above & Below: At some point a new facade was created for the guest building that faced U.S. 40, and the remodel created an interior corridor for the single room deep building.
Photographs courtesy of Bob Venditti


Above: Unlike the guest building fronting the property the one in the rear retained exterior entry to its rooms and more or less maintained its original look.

Below: Unfortunately Cendant's minions mandated the garish stucco and embellishments that marred buildings facing the street--but it could have been much worse!

At least poolside the guest buildings for the most part retained their good looks. Note that the "heavy" roof unique to the location may have been original and dates at least back to the 1980s while the property was still a HoJo's.

At least by Bob's visit, Cendant's mandates had not destroyed the appealing character of Washington's guest rooms. Note the wonderfully original unpainted exposed beams in the second floor room!
Left: One of the guest buildings was added in the late 1960s and featured an interior corridor which retained its exposed beams and "hay" ceiling as recently as the 2000s.