Photographs July 2003: Courtesy of Bob Venditti
Right & Below: Helpful employees allowed entry into the last "unremodeled" room in 2007 in order to document the radio and unusual "checkout time" device on the door.
Above & Left: Still in amazingly original and excellent condition as recently as 2003, Bob Venditti's clean, comfortable, and spacious single room contained both familiar standard HoJo's amenities as well as a couple of extras like the vintage built in radio!
Photographs March 30, 2007


Opportunity Lost
Although the rooms remained basically intact (even with vintage furniture) their original pristineness had been much diminished by 2007. The Lodge's non-original owners, now "Patels," understandably felt the need to freshen up the forty-seven year old guest rooms, but the job was botched. Unfortunately the circa 1980s grass cloth wall paper was not removed but just sloppily painted over as was everything else. Moreover, the paint used was an inexpensive variety that filled the poorly ventilated room with noxious eye-watering paint fumes.

It is such a shame that the rooms were so poorly treated, for they easily could have been made pristine and marketed for their excellent design and classic appeal.

