Brochure circa 1970s: Courtesy of Dan Donahue
The quiet hush provided by the sound-proof walls and windows in all guest rooms guarantees the sound night's sleep you signed in for. And the solid comfort of double-double or single-double beds with table-side controls of music, Color TV and telephone give you instant command of the outside world as you ease the night away.

Advertisement supplement circa 1960: Libby Owens Ford Glass for Motels
Impressively Spacious...
Room with a view featuring
Thermopane© insulating glass in sliding doors keeps guest rooms quiet and comfortable year 'round.

Guest units have two lavatories with generous Parallel-O-Plate mirrors, plus full-length door mirror on adjacent door.

Do you remember when you were a kid and would open the bathroom door so that its mirror and the one in the bathroom allowed you to look into "infinity?"

Handsomely Decorated...
One wall was surfaced with beautifully mellowed brick, salvaged from an old building of Civil War days. The other wall was paneled with walnut. And the front wall, overlooking a landscaped terrace with swimming pool, was glass from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling, and included a sliding glass door.
Brochure circa 1970s: Courtesy of Dan Donahue