Photographs August 2002

Postcard circa 1960s
The layout of the guest wings was as innovative as the interior design of the rooms, for because of the site's topography even the two story buildings featured ground level parking and entry--thus every guest had to take only a few short steps from his car into the room.
Photographs August 2002

You can almost imagine arriving here late at night, seeing the "HJ" door mat and think you were in another time! As I furtively made my way around the grounds, I peered into one of the guest rooms where a curtain had been left open. The room still had its early privacy screen which realistically offered little privacy since it consisted of slats! Many of the room's fixtures were original except that the second vanity had been replaced with a kitchenette unit in order to create what might be billed, an efficiency.

Left: Forty-year-old upside down and reversed door mats were amazingly still in use nearly twenty years after the site had ceased to be a HoJo's.
