Postcard circa 1960s
Tallahassee-East, Florida -- 722 Apalachee Parkway (U.S. 27)
When originally built in 1961, this Motor Lodge/Restaurant, within view of Florida's state capitol building, had only 60 guest rooms. The site evolved to feature three variants of two story guest building types that were employed by the Howard Johnson Company, as well as a traditional A-frame Gate Lodge, and a Nims style restaurant.

Photographs September 1999

Like its sister HoJo's Motor Lodge in Pensacola, Tallahassee-East was converted into a Days Inn featuring a similarly remodeled Gate Lodge. However East's conversion took place about a year after Pensacola's, but the Tallahassee facility did not retain the Days Inn brand as it became the Heritage Inn.

Open for business with its converted to Denny's Restaurant, the complex looked attractive and well-maintained in 1999, but the marquee offering weekly rates should have been seen as a sign of doom.


Photograph courtesy of Phil Edwards
Photographs September 2, 2002
Photographs courtesy of Phil Edwards